
There is no double meaning. It means that all of the tagged products are unscented. For this moment, all candles and lanterns are unscented.

For us, candles are primarily a source of light that brightens a dark room, brightens gloomy thoughts, and reassures a friend that you are present in their life. It’s a vessel for a dancing flame, a flame that illuminates the gorgeous colours of the pattern, picture or highlights a beautiful message.

There are many reasons why you should consider buying an unscented candle:
• If the candle is supposed to attract the eye with its extra ordinary design or light, rather than overpower the whole room with its scent.
• If the candle is to be lit during meals; it would be better for the scents not to mix, creating a pleasant evening rather than possibly making the food unappetising.
• If we don’t know whether the receiver or our guest is an asthmatic or an allergic; some scents can irritate the nasal mucosa.

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